Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama) is a practice to clean and regulate the subtle energy channels of the body. Alternate Nostril Breathing is practiced by altering the inhalation and exhalation between the left and right nostril. This technique influences the ida and pingala nadis and the two brain hemispheres. It is considered a balancing practice because it can restore either physical or mental imbalances.

The benefits of this practice:

Balancing the breath hemispheres. It is calming and relieve anxiety, improves concentration, and stimulate ajna chakra.

1:1 ratio. Establishing a calming rhythm for the brain and heart (help people with cardiovascular and nervous disorders, and stress related conditions.

1:2 ratio.  The breath slow down when the exhalation is increased. The respiration becomes more efficient. People with asthma, emphysema and bronchitis benefit from this practice. The ratio 1:2 gives profound relaxation; the heartbeat and pulse rate slow down, and blood pressure drops.

Basic Pattern of Alternate Nostril Breathing.

  1. With equal inhalation and exhalation 1:1 ratio. 
  2. Extending the breath 1:2 ratio