The term of meditation in the public understanding is a word that describe contemplative techniques. When a person starts meditating, the experience may be of sitting still with the eyes closed and directing his/her attention inward and what the meditator does varies from one technique to another. The meditator may use an object towards to which directs his/her attention such as the breath, a visualization, sounds or a mantra. When meditating, distractions will come to the mind. If the aim of the meditation is to ignore these distractions will have a concentrative kind of meditation. If the meditator uses these distractions and become aware of the thoughts passing by and let the thought to express itself, observing the process at the same time without intervention then the meditation takes a different aspect where one is conscious of whatever happens without any kind of control of the attention.
Mindfulness meditation has become very fashionable type of meditation and is defined as the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention in the present moment without judgment. In general, most of the meditation taught on the Western world can be described as mindfulness meditations.
In the Satyananda tradition the goal during meditation practices is to gain deep knowledge about oneself and there are a range of complementary techniques intended for motivated practitioners. The term of Mindfulness meditation is rarely used in the Satyananda tradition; however, its characteristically principle is integrated in the Antar Mouna meditation. Antar Mouna or Inner Silence consist of several distinct techniques that you practice in sequence. Each stage trains your mind differently. On the stage 2, “Awareness of Spontaneous Thoughts” you will practice watch your thoughts and you are open to the experience without controlling your attention.
In Satyananda Yoga, you are exposed to a great variety of meditation techniques that are not mindfulness. Yoga Nidra is a deep relaxation practice; Tatrak is a concentration technique however you may experience the mindfulness experience. Pranayama meditation objective is the awakening of the energy. Ajapa japa, Kriya yoga, Visualization practices and meditations related to positive thinking are not categorized as mindfulness either.
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